Dobsonians: The King of Alt-Az Mounted Telescopes
The beauty of a Dobsonian telescope is its mount, which is usually made of wooden panels, lowering its cost while maintaining stability, allowing it to support large, heavy scopes. Dobsonian-mounted scopes often used with large reflector telescopes. The inexpensive mount allows for visual astronomers to invest more in the optics itself without sacrificing stability and ease of use.
For a beginner visual observer, we highly recommend the Dobsonian telescopes. They are great value for money if you want a big telescope that will really make those faint galaxies and deep sky objects pop.
“Mini Dobs”, or table-top Dobsonians are some of the cheapest telescopes you can get, but they are no means a toy telescope and you can get a medium-sized aperture tube in a table-top Dob. Table-top Dobsonians also allow the option of using a Cassegrain or Refractor tube, where the height of a table allows the eyepiece at the back of the tube to be used.